Middle Pillar exercise for children


This is a simplified version of the Middle Pillar exercise adapted for children. The Middle Pillar is the vertical alignment of spheres in the Aitz ha’Chaim, The Tree of Life.  The bottom sphere of the Middle Pillar represent the body, the second the Personality, the third the Higher Self/Transpersonal Love and the topmost our connection to the Limitless/Grace/Energy.  This is technical and need not be mentioned at all during the meditation, our energy system responds to symbols and Holy Names, called magical Names in this exercise.

It will have a balancing and clearing affect on the child’s energy-field and tune them into the intelligence of the heart and the source of energy within them. It will also have a soothing affect on the ego/personality. Please remember to return back into the body by doing the stretches at the end, it is vital for the healthy development of a child’s ego/personality. We will contact deeper levels of the psyche and we want to bring the experience and energy back into the body and ego/personality.


The Exercise

Sit comfortably; cross-legged on the floor is fine. Square brackets are comments to the facilitator.

Close your eyes.

Take a deep breath into your tummy, as deep as you can. Breathe out and imagine roots are growing out of your feet into the earth. Breathe in and breathe out saying out loud Aretz [Hebrew for Earth – it is a simplification of Adonai Ha Aretz]. Do this 3 times,  allowing for a pause after saying the Name to imagine the roots growing deeper and deeper into the earth.

Do this with the child so they feel confident to say the Holy Name. It will also add to the power.

Take a deep breath in. Breath out and imagine your tummy is growing bigger and bigger. Take another deep breath in and breathe out saying the magical Name Shaddai. Imagine your tummy has grown so much that it touches the full moon in the night sky.  Do this 3 times, allowing for a pause after saying the name to imagine the tummy growing and touching the moon.

Take a deep breath in. Breathe out and imagine your chest is growing bigger and bigger. Take another deep breath in and breathe out saying the magical Name Yahweh Da’ad. Imagine your chest grows so big it touches the sun.  You feel the warmth of the sun filling your heart! Take another deep breath in and breathe out saying the magical Name Aloha. Imagine the warmth and light of the sun fills your whole body. Take another deep breath in and breathe out saying the magical Name va Da’ad (it means knowledge as in Gnosis – Inner knowing). Your heart knows the right thing to do, follow the feeling in your heart, your heart knows best [full Name is Yahweh Eloha va’Da’ad].

Take a deep breath in. Breathe out and imagine your body grows taller and taller. Take another deep breath in and breathe out saying the magical name Eh-Heh-Yeh [This is spelled phonetically, the real spelling is EHYEH. It means I Am]. Imagine you grow so tall your head goes through the clouds! Do this 3 times.

[Allow for some time for stillness. Keep them busy while the energy settles with something like this]Look down and see the roots on your feet going deep into the earth. Look up and see the stars above you and the clouds all around you. Can you feel the wind? [The wind is important to mention, it is Ruach in Hebrew associated with Transpersonal Love]. Feel how the wind moves your tall body gently. See the sunshine on the earth and trees. You can see birds flying between your legs! [ Do this for as long as feels right]

Now put your finger in your belly butty. Take a deep breath in. Breathe out and imagine getting smaller and smaller until you become normal size. Do this 3 times. Keep your finger in your belly button and open your eyes, wiggle your belly button around a bit with your finger. Stand up, stretch, shake your legs, shake your arms, jump up and down. Shout out loud: Hello World! I’m here to love! I’m here to have fun! [Or something like that].


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